Metamorphosis Animalia

It all started with a carton of apple juice. It's funny how something as insignificant as a boxed drink can cause something phenomenal. But Jolie never expected anything phenomenal anyway, so she didn't mind if it came to her in a cardboard carton.

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Jolie was fifteen years old, a bubbly Southern girl with a quick mind and an imaginative flair. Her silky, hazel hair was always dyed in crazy colours, and her eyes were always bright with kindness and a little mischief. She had just moved to Colorado with her parents and her dog, Honey, and was ready to begin her new life when school started the next day.
Jolie wasn't really sure what to expect in this new life. Her parents were offered an exciting promotion at work, which involved moving location, and of course they couldn't refuse such an opportunity. But Jolie had never moved home before, and she had to leave quite a few good friends behind in the process. As the suitcase-filled car pulled into the family's new driveway, Jolie clutched her purple diary - which contained a list of her friends' email addresses and phone numbers. It was the only piece of her old life that she had left.